Construction of residential buildings and public buildings for employees of the Navy

Installations for the production of wall materials can be effectively used in low-rise housing construction of the Ministry of the Navy.

A massive element of residential buildings are interior and inter-apartment partitions, the cost of which is about 12% of the cost of the entire structure, and the labor intensity reaches 35% of the total labor costs. The use of large-panel gypsum concrete partitions will make it possible to reduce the complexity of work and will allow for measures to increase the level of industrialization of construction.

All these tasks are now of paramount importance. For their implementation, daily, painstaking organizational work is needed, initiative and a creative approach to business are needed.

The experience of prefabricated housing construction dictates the need to streamline the work of design organizations for the design of large-block and other prefabricated residential and cultural buildings. Design organizations should accelerate the development of a unified nomenclature of prefabricated structures and parts of residential buildings.

Until now, many of our design and construction organizations are still poorly implementing the decisions of the All-Union Meeting of Builders on the elimination of excesses in the design of residential and civil buildings, on savings in construction. The construction of residential buildings and public buildings at the enterprises of the navy is still carried out by outdated methods with a large use of forest materials. As a result, the construction time of residential buildings is delayed for 2-3 years or more. The quality of construction, especially finishing works, is extremely low, and the cost is high. Despite this, there are still many heads of construction organizations who, under various pretexts, seek to reduce the demands on the quality of work from customers.

It is impossible to continue to tolerate such a situation when residential buildings are put into operation with major shortcomings and unfinished landscaping works, without roads, sewers and other devices, as a result of which the built buildings deteriorate and are destroyed. For example, the poor quality of work on commissioned facilities in Nakhodka forces the port and the plant to repair them from the first days of operation. The accumulated deficiencies over the years now represent a large volume of construction and installation work. Customers who accept objects with imperfections are largely to blame for the presence of defects.

The situation with the construction of residential and cultural facilities in the current year continues to be extremely unsatisfactory. The Board of the Ministry of the Navy, discussing the results of the implementation of the capital construction plan for the first half of 1955, noted that the Management of capital Construction, the heads of shipping companies, ports and factories poorly monitor the progress of construction and do not show due demands on builders to meet the deadlines for putting residential space into operation.

Now it is especially important to concentrate all forces and means on the launch sites. The calendar schedule of work should become an organizing beginning, a strictly mandatory document. At the same time, construction organizations should be assisted by the heads of shipping companies, ports and factories, as well as by supply organizations. Our common duty is to mobilize all efforts for the implementation of the plan, for the early commissioning of each launch facility.

Economic and public organizations of construction sites should lead the increasingly unfolding socialist competition on construction sites in honor of the XX Congress of the CPSU for the implementation of the planned capital construction plans. La mayoría de los tipos de juegos de azar son legales en su país. La razón de esto es la ley de juegos de azar, que reemplazó a la anterior ley de loterías. Esto significa que desconectado y el juego en línea es completamente legal en el país en . Por lo tanto, puede estar seguro de que el juego será seguro e ininterrumpido. Los teléfonos inteligentes más populares entre los jugadores son Samsung y Huawei. Debido a esto, Android domina el mercado. Muchos casinos ofrecen aplicaciones de Android que se pueden descargar desde Google Play.